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Graduate Program in Theology

More information

+55 21 3527-1300
+55 21 3527-1301

Departamento de Teologia
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Office hours:
8:30am to 12:00pm and
2:00pm to 4:30pm

General Information

Program Overview

The Graduate Program aims to deepen the main contents of the Christian faith, the central theological themes, the biblical reflection, developing a capacity for research as well as a reflective potential in the student, by maintaining a critical dialogue with questions raised by society and current culture.

Its main focus is to train professors and researchers in the field of Biblical Theology and  Systematic-Pastoral Theology, as well as to qualify them either for a high standard performance in the various ecclesial levels, or for qualified work in institutions and organizations destined for priestly training for religious and lay people and also for work in the dialogue of the Christian faith with society and culture.


The graduate program in Theology aims to deepen the knowledge acquired in  the undergraduate course, enabling the development of a capacity for research and of a creative potential power; its scope also comprehends the training of university professors of Theology.

This Program is flexible enough to allow the indispensable adaptations to differences among individuals and groups, especially in the case of people who are being trained to work in national or regional pastoral organizations.


The Theology Department is part of the Center for Theology and Human Sciences at PUC-Rio and was inaugurated by the University’s statute in 1967. Currently, the Department comprehends the graduate, undergraduate, the Religious Culture and the Theology distance course.

Being attentive to the need of deepening the research in the Biblical and Systematic-Pastoral areas, the PUC-Rio Research Council approved, on May 5, 1971, the creation of the graduate program in Theology. The first Master’s class began in the first semester of 1972 with two Concentration Areas: Biblical area and Systematic-Pastoral area.

On May 20, 1972, by Decree n°350/72, the Holy See, through the congregation for Catholic Education, established the Theology Department as the Faculty of Theology, granting it the right to confer ecclesiastical academic degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor in Theology.

On June 5, 1972, the University’s Teaching and Research Council approved the Doctoral course in Theology.

By Decree 132/99, on February 2, 1999, the Master’s and the Doctoral courses were accredited by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) with grade 5 (five) for the triennium 1998-2000, having maintaned that grade until the last triennium 2010-2012.


Concentration areas and lines of research

Concentration area: Biblical Theology

Line of Research 1: Analysis and Interpretation of OT and NT texts

This line of research, following the methods proper to biblical science, seeks not only to apply the scientific results of the investigation within the human sciences, but also to study the various exegetical-hermeneutical methods that complement each other.


  1. José Otacio Oliveira Guedes
  2. Isidoro Mazzarolo
  3. Leonardo Agostini Fernandes
  4. Maria de Lourdes Correa Lima
  5. Waldecir Gonzaga

Concentration area: Systematic-Pastoral Theology

Line of Research 1: Religion and modernity

This line gathers and develops research projects in the area of Systematic-Pastoral Theology concerning the interpellation that modernity and its crisis make to faith, to religion, to the theological thought and discourse, especially with regard to the conceptions of God and of human beings, by keeping a dialogue with other areas of knowledge (Philosophy, Literature and Social Sciences) and other religious traditions (notably the monotheistic ones).


  1. Joel Portella Amado
  2. Lucia Pedrosa de Pádua
  3. Luís Corrêa Lima
  4. Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer
  5. Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade
Line of Research 2: Faith and Culture

This line studies the importance of the socio-cultural context in which Christian salvation, in its doctrinal, ethical and pastoral dimensions, can be apprehended as such and embraced by human beings.


  1. Abimar Oliveira de Moraes
  2. Cesar Augusto Kuzma
  3. Luiz Fernando Ribeiro Santan
  4. Mario de França Miranda
  5. Paulo Cesar Costa

Recognition of the Course

Master’s and Doctoral Degrees

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 5 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degrees: Master and/or Doctor in Theology

Requirements for obtaining the Master’s and Doctoral degrees



Admission and Enrollment


Applicants must have completed an Undergraduate degree in Theology recognized by MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education) with a final average equal to or higher than 8 (eight) with a workload equal to or higher than 1.600 hours/classes;

Foreign applicants must have completed an Undergraduate degree in Theology  in IES (Higher Education Institution) recognized by relevant authorities in the in own country, with a final average equal to or higher than 8 (eight) and workload equal to or higher than 1.600 hours/class;

Applicants who hold free Theology course qualifications, with a final average equal to or higher than 8 (eight) and workload equal to or higher than 1.600 hours/class, may be allowed admission, in the case that he or she holds another Undergraduate degree recognized by MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education) or, in the case of foreign applicants, by the competent civil organ in their country.

Be approved in the Theology Selection exam, which will deal with essential  themes proposed by the Department Directory.


Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in Theology or Religious Studies from a Brazilian institution recognized by CAPES or from a foreign institution with a recognized diploma from the IES (Higher Education Institution) in Brazil. Holders of the Masters degree in Religious Sciences must have an Undergraduate degree in Theology in order to be eligible to apply.

Be accepted by the Department  based on his or her research project.

Other requirements:

Be accepted by the Department based on academic transcripts, Curriculum Vitae, on professional experience and interviews.

Evaluation of the Registration process for enrollment in the Graduate Program by Special Committee Professors.

Deadlines: Enrollment in the Master’s course is done once a year, in June/October. Enrollment in the Doctoral course is open in August/October and also in April/May for the second semester.