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Graduate Program in Social Sciences

More information

+55 21 3527-1555
+55 21 3527-1556

Departamento de Ciências Sociais (Sociologia e Política)
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Vila dos Diretórios, Casa XVIII
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Office hours:
9:00am to 12:30pm and
2:00pm to 6:30pm

General Information

Introduction and History

The history of the Department of Sociology and Politics began in 1954 with the creation, by Father Fernando Ávila, of the Institute of Political and Social Studies. The Institute, a pioneer of its kind, had, from the beginning, a diverse group of high intellectual level professors who, in 1955, began to teach social science courses. In 1960 the courses were recognized by the Ministry of Education, and the Institute was transformed into the School of Sociology and Politics and Economics.

The school was authorized to function by the Decree n. 49320 of November 22-1960, and it was definitely recognized on September, 15 of that same year by the Decree n.56.870. Three months later, its first undergraduate class graduated.

The school was a pioneer in the system of credits (1963) and its first curriculum was partly inspired by the School of Sociology and Politics from the São Paulo University, the first of its kind in the country. After the university reform in 1968, it assumed its current denomination, Department of Sociology and Politics, integrated to the Social Sciences Center. The Department has been successfully working to broaden its participation in academic debates and created, in 2001, its Latu Sensu Graduate Program in Social Sciences. In 2005, it established its Master's course and, in 2008, its Doctoral course, both in Social Sciences.


The Graduate Program in Social Sciences of PUC-Rio aims to provide students with an in-depth view of the social, political and cultural problems of contemporary Brazil. It is organized in two complementary and independent lines of research focused on the study of society, culture and the country's political system.

Its lines of research are: Socioeconomic and Political Inequalities and Cultural Diversity in Brazil. Together, they intend to examine various aspects of Brazilian society taking into account the relationships between the globalized world, national public institutions and civil society, as well as the cultural representations related to different collective subjects.

Concentration areas and lines of research

Concentration Area: Social Sciences

Socioeconomic and Political Inequalities in Contemporary Brazil

Problematizes a broad set of inequalities in its urban, civic, juridical and federal expressions and access to power and public goods, considering the new context of international economic competition, critical for developing countries.

Cultural Diversities

Investigates the discourses, perceptions and constitutive values of groups, categories, social classes, including gender, age, race and national rituals in their different cultural manifestations, such as in music and literature.

Master’s Degree

Course Recognition

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 4 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degree: Master in Social Sciences

Target Audience

Holders of a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences or another related Humanities field, as well as all those academically qualified that are interested in the Program's proposal. The student will be exposed discussions on a wide range of theoretical, historical and analytical bibliography taught in several courses, under different methodological perspectives, providing him or her conditions to conceive and develop intellectual and professional projects. The Program is destined to form academically qualified professionals to work in teaching and research activities, as well as in several areas of public and institutional life, which require general and specific skills in designing social projects, examining and monitoring public policies, among others.

Requirements for obtaining the Master’s degree

This course is designed to be completed with a minimum of 27 credits, distributed in 4 groups of disciplines:

  1. 2 compulsory disciplines of social theory (classical – 3 credits; contemporary - 4 credits)
  2. 2 disciplines of Interpretations of Brazil- obligatory (4 credits each) ;
  3. 1 methodological discipline - (3 credits)
  4. Thematic disciplines, related to the two research lines (3 credits each). Each semester offers 4 thematic disciplines, 2 linked to each line of research.

Note: Students must complete at least 3 thematic disciplines, 1 must necessarily  be linked to the related area.

Admission and Enrollment

Applicant registration and selection take place once a year and obey the fixed dates set in the Program’s notice.

Those who have completed the undergraduate course or who are completing its last academic semester can apply for the Master's course.

The required documents for the applicant registration to the Master’s course are:

  1. Diploma and undergraduate academic transcripts (copy);
  2. Declaration of enrollment in the last semester of the undergraduate course in case the student has not yet completed it;
  3. Curriculum Vitae;
  4. Birth certificate or marriage (copy);
  5. 2 photographs ¾;
  6. Two reference letters of professionals from the field of their academic background who are not related to the applicant (Reference Form - PUC model- available at or at the Admissions and Registration Board (DAR)
  7. Admission Form duly completed (PUC model), also available at or at the Admissions and Registration Board (DAR)
  8. Presentation, in a maximum of two pages, of the reasons that led the applicant to choose the Graduate Program in Social Sciences, also explaining the chosen line of research and probable subject or object of study that he or she intends to develop.

The applicant selection will be made through a written test, interview and proof of sufficient knowledge in a foreign language - according to the Program’s notice.

Doctoral Degree

Course recognition

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 4 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degree: Doctor in Social Sciences

Target Audience

Holders of a Master’s degree in Programs accredited by CAPES who are interested in choosing themes of contemporary Brazil as object of study and research.

Requirements for obtaining the Doctoral Degree

The course is designed to be completed with a minimum of 50 credits, distributed as the following:

  1. Up to 27 credits can be transferred from the Master's program, at the advisor’s discretion;
  2. 4 credits obtained from the “Seminar of Thesis” discipline;
  3. 4 credits obtained in the "Directed Study” discipline;
  4. A minimum of 15 credits, distributed as follows:
    d.1) 12 credits obtained from compulsory or elective courses from his or her line of research;
    d.2) 3 credits obtained in a discipline of the related line of research.
    Note: Students from other Programs must obtain a minimum of 8 credits in compulsory subjects.
  5. Upon completion of the necessary credits, the student must also:
    e.1) Pass the Qualifying Examination with the approval of a jury formed by the student's advisor and a minimum of two other professors, of which one must necessarily come from another University. In this examination, the student must demonstrate the advanced development of his or her thesis. Students who do not pass this examination must rework their proposals, defend and to be approve it, obligatorily, until the second month of the following semester.
    e.2) The student must present, defend and be approved in a Doctoral thesis (CIS 3004).

Admission and Enrollment

Applicant registration and selection take place once a year and obey the fixed dates set in the Program’s notice.

Those who have completed the Master’s course can apply for the Doctoral course.

The required documents for the applicant registration to the Doctoral course are:

  1. Diploma and academic transcripts of the Master's course (copies);
  2. Declaration of the institution where the Master's degree was completed and copy of the dissertation;
  3. Preliminary research project for the Doctoral thesis, according to the specifications of the Notice;
  4. Confirmed Curriculum Vitae;
  5. Birth certificate or marriage (copy);
  6. Two photographs 3x4;
  7. Two reference letters issued by professionals of the applicant’s academic background who are not part of the Board of Professors of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences of PUC-RIO and who are not related to the applicant (Reference Form - PUC model - available at (Selective Process) or in the Admissions and Registration Board– (DAR);
  8. Duly completed Admission Form (PUC model), also available at (Selective Process) or in the Admissions and Registration Board (DAR)

Registrations will be held at the Admissions and Registration Board (DAR) of PUC-Rio, Cardeal Leme Building, ground floor.