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Philosophy Graduate Program

More information

+55 21 3527-1298
+55 21 3527-1299

Departamento de Filosofia
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Office hours:
9:30am to 11:30am and
2:00pm to 4:00pm 

General Information

Program Overview

The PUC-Rio Philosophy Department develops a stricto sensu Graduate Program that offers well-established Master’s and Doctoral degrees. The Department also offers lato senso graduate courses; currently its three available programs are Specialization in Contemporary Philosophy, Specialization in Art and Philosophy and Specialization in Ancient Philosophy.

Besides the stricto and lato senso courses, which aim at training researchers and qualified professors for higher-level teaching, the Graduate Program hosts several regular activities. Highlights include:

  1. Philosophy Colloquium - forum for work presentations of the Program’s researchers and, above all, of researchers from other institutions;
  2. Publication, since 1989, of an indexed magazine “What makes us think”, with an international editorial board;
  3. Several editorial projects linked to the publication of researches developed within the Program;
  4. SAF-Week of Philosophy Graduate Students- forum for presentations of the Program’s students. The SAF also includes participations from professors of the Department as well as of ther institutions;
  5. Seminars courses and lectures to the Institute of Logic and Philosophy of Language (ILFL);
  6. Seminars, courses and lectures linked to the Ancient Philosophy Studies Center (NUFA);
  7. Seminars, courses and lectures linked to the Study Group in Ethics and Deconstruction (NEED).


The Philosophy Graduate Program aims at preparing qualified professionals for research and higher-level teaching.


The stricto sensu Graduate Program in Philosophy was established in 1973 with the creation of its Master's course, which was credentialed in 1976 and since then recredentialed without interruption. The Doctoral course started in 1982 and was credentialed in 1992 by the 235/92 CFE report. The PUC-Rio Graduate Program in Philosophy is widely recognized as one of the best in the country, and has formed, until the beginning of 2007, about 322 Masters and 78 Doctors, most of them currently active faculty members of higher education institutions.

Concentration areas and lines of research

Concentration area: Philosophy

Line of Research 1: Theory of Knowledge

Analysis of the main issues related to conditions of possibility, justification and limits of knowledge.

Line of Research 2: Esthetics

In a broad sense, deals with contemporary esthetic issues and critical dimensions of this reflection. It situates such issues in modern philosophical thinking from Kantian and Hegelian matrixes.

Line of Research 3: History of Philosophy

Research on philosophical questions, from both a theoretical and practical perspective, by inserting them in their formation process, in order to gain an understanding of the conditions that generated them and their respective solutions.

Line of Research 4: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Reflection on ethics and politics, with an emphasis on contemporary perspectives. Study on ethics and political philosophy themes, particularly those approached by modern and contemporary philosophies.

Line of Research 5: Logic and Philosophy of Language

Critical analysis of the tradition of analytic philosophy of language, considering its historic origins and the development of its contemporary currents. Analysis of problems concerning the foundations of philosophy of logic and mathematics.

Line of Research 6: Philosophy and Environmental Issues

Philosophical approach to issues relating to the global ecological crisis and the various modalities of human relationship with nature. Conceptions of nature; nature / culture relationship; space and nature; crisis and history; relationship between humans and other forms of life; ecological ethics; the role of science and technology; the climate change controversy (beliefs and skepticism); reinventions of metaphysics.

Recognition of the Course

Master’s Degrees

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 5 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degree: Master in Philosophy

Doctoral Degrees

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 5 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degree: Doctor in Philosophy


Requirements for obtaining the Master’s and Doctoral degrees


The student admitted to the Master's Program must:


The student admitted to the Doctoral Program must:

Obtain 45 credits distributed as follows:

Admission and Enrollment

Masters and Doctorate

See the selection notice (pdf. file) (unavailable)