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Graduate Program in Metrology

More information

+55 21 3527-1542

PUC-Rio / Metrologia
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Edifício Leme, Térreo
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro – RJ

Office hours:
9:30am to 12:00pm and
2:00pm to 4:30pm 

General Information


Established in 1996, the Graduate Program in Metrology (Post MQI) was, at the time of its creation, an answer of the University to an interministerial effort of the Federal Government in the context of the “RH-Metrologia" Program, to stimulate the development of qualified human resources and metrological culture. In line with the essentially multidisciplinary nature of Metrology, the Program benefits from the conjunction of laboratory skills and infrastructures existing in several departments and units of the Scientific Technical Center at PUC-Rio. Its aims at specializing on the training of well-trained engineers, physicists and chemists, enabling them to work in the interface of their specialties with measurements science.


Train human resources in Metrology in order to meet the demands of the Metrology, Normalization and Industrial Quality National System (Sistema Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial- Sinmetro).

The Program also meets the specific demands of companies and organizations that desire to guide the training of professionals in specific areas focused on development of competitiveness. Within this context, the Master’s course in Metrology and the Lato Sensu specialization course are offered.

Brief History

During its development, at the end of the 2003, PósMQI redirected its performance. From its original view, focused on basic industrial technology, it started to incorporate new areas: biometrology, chemical metrology, environmental metrology, color metrology, energy metrology, instrumentation, automotive control and ionizing radiations. After granting more than one hundred master’s degrees in interesting subjects of metrology and its related areas, the Program has evolved to new areas of interest and competence, convergent with the political demands for competitiveness based on innovation. In its development, it prioritizes projects that seek sustainability and are guided by social responsibility. So, PósMQI, besides the continued emphasis in training and research applied to metrology, normalization and quality, has been consolidating its innovation pillar aiming to meet new demands of the different segments of science users and promoters and of the measurement technology.

Currently, the Program is structured on three pillars: metrology, quality and innovation. Regarding metrology, it meets the critical demands of the industrial competitiveness and of the metrology segments in energy, chemistry and biosciences. It promotes quality in its broad sense, focusing on quality, environment, product and people certification, social responsibility, and work systems. Concerning innovation, it researches, monitors and assesses local, regional and national innovation programs and systems, and contributes to the development of practices, routines and metrics for their management. Broadly speaking, it explores science, technology and measurement interfaces, and unveils new borders in an emerging society, boosted by an entrepreneur spirit, based on knowledge and moved by creativity.

Relevant Marks

Creation and consolidation marks of the Metrology Graduate Program


Benefiting from the multi-disciplinarily action of a global university such as PUC-Rio, the Graduate Program in Metrology (an essentially multidisciplinary science) was born from an academic effort and the research of a select group of experienced university researchers linked to the Departments of Engineering, Physics and Chemistry from the PUC-Rio Scientific Technical Center. Within a multidisciplinary environment, the Program aims at training an interdisciplinary professional possessing knowledge and skills pertaining to fields other than that of his or her original academic background. The Program does not intend on specializing engineers, physicians and chemists, but to capacitate them to perform in the interface of science of measurements. Working in network, it stimulates cooperative research and facilitates access to the excellent research laboratories and the existing services of the University.

Concentration areas and lines of research

Concentration area

Conceived in the interface of the Engineering, Physics and Chemistry Departments of the Scientific Technical Center at PUC-Rio, and, accredited by CAPES, the Graduate Program in Metrology (Post MQI), is organized according to its concentration area: Metrology for Quality and Innovation, acting in three integrated lines of research:

  1. Instrumentation and Measurement;
  2. Innovation of Strategic Management and Sustainability and
  3. Intelligent network (Smart Grid)

Course Recognition


CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 4 for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.

Requirements for obtaining the Master’s degree

The student must complete eight disciplines worth three credits each and two other guidance disciplines worth zero credits, in order to obtain twenty-four credits in ten disciplines.

The applicant to the Master`s Degree in Metrology for Quality and Innovation should have Undergraduate Degree in Engineer, Physics, Math, Chemistry or related areas. The choice of the applicants will be based in the assessment of the academic transcript, curriculum vitae, recommendation letters, study plan proposed and an interview.

The applicant selection process occurs in two subsequent phases:

According to the number of applicants, the coordination reserves the right to impose a written test (content, reasoning and ability, knowledge of second language) as a part of selection process. The result of the judgment is formalized to all registered applicants through a letter from the Program Coordination.

The master student must complete 8 disciplines (24 credits), distributed as follows:

  1. 5 compulsory disciplines (of which 3 are pre-determined and 2 are selected from the disciplines of Post MQI, at the advisor’s discretion) and
  2. 3 elective disciplines

In addition to this, the student must also enroll in the Master Seminar discipline, worth zero credits. The purpose of this seminar is to allow a permanent update in order to follow the sector advances.

At the end of the first year, the student must submit a thesis proposal to be developed during the course's second year, whose subject should contribute for the improvement of Metrology and its applications in the quality of products and services, competitiveness and progress in life quality.

In compliance with the regulation of the graduate programs of PUC-Rio, as an additional requirement, the program also requires:


The maximum deadlines is 24 (twenty four) months, which can be exceptionally extended, according to the PUC-Rio regulation. Master’s course students with an excellent academic performance are able to finish the course within 18 months.

Admission and Enrollment

The Master`s Degree in Metrology for Quality and Innovation applicant should have Undergraduate Degree in Engineering, Physics, Math, Chemistry or other related areas. Selection criteria is based on the assessment of academic transcripts, curriculum vitae, reference letters, a proposed study plan and an interview.

Required Documents:

Further information available at the Program Secretary
Secretary Márcia Ribeiro - e-mail:
Street: Marquês de São Vicente nº 225, Ed. Cardeal Leme Sobreloja (Next to Chapel) Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Tel: (21) 3527-1542 / Fax: (21) 3527-1543