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Coat of arms of PUC-Rio

Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering

More information

Contact: (DEE)
+55 21 3527-1202/1205 (DEE)
+55 21 3527-1679/1680 (CETUC)

Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Edifício Cardeal Leme, sala 401
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ 

Office hours:
9:00am to 12:00pm and
2:00pm to 5:00pm

General Information

Program Overview

The Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) is a private, non-profit institution that engages in the production and transmission of knowledge, based on respect for human values and ethics.

The Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE) and the Center for Telecommunication Studies (CETUC) strive for excellence in research, teaching and continuing education to train skilled professionals with the competencies to execute their professional duties.

The DEE / CETUC graduate program is a fundamental component of this process.


The PUC-Rio Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering is an agent of social change through:

The function of the graduate program in Electrical Engineering is the education of skilled human resources in conjunction with the creation of scientific and technological knowledge and its transfer to the worlds of business and academia.

As one of the areas that most interacts with industry, the program offers a particularly broad range of research options. The faculty members are highly qualified, having been educated at leading institutions in other countries, for the most part, and also in Brazil.


The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering was founded in 1963 with the creation of the master's degree course; in 1981, the doctoral degree course was implemented. The program, directed by the Electrical Engineering Department - DEE, along with the participation of the Studies in Telecommunications Center - CETUC, offers Master of Science and Doctor of Science degrees, with the aim of training high-level human resources for teaching, research and other professional practices that require qualified academic training.

Financed by federal and state research and education funding agencies since the 1970s, the program has always been at the forefront of its field. Acknowledged by its peers in Brazil and abroad, it has always obtained outstanding external evaluations.

Over 1042 master's and 249 doctoral degrees have been awarded by DEE. There are currently over 200 students in the master's and doctoral programs.


The DEE and the CETUC occupy around 2100 m², with fifteen laboratories interlinked by internal networks and the PUC-Rio network, dedicated to the Program's teaching and research activities (laboratories).

Financial Support

A number of scholarships offered by CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ and other government and private entities are available to full-time students. The assignment of these scholarships is made by the Graduate Committee, according to the quotas received by the aforementioned agencies, along with other scholarships in the form of full tuition waivers, also assigned by the same Graduate Committee, and according to quotas stipulated by the University's Academic Vice-Rectory. As PUC-Rio is a private university, students without a scholarship must pay tuition fees each semester. Some companies and Government institutions have agreements with PUC-Rio and fund their employees' tuition fees.

CAPES and CNPq scholarships are granted for up to two years for master students and up to four years for doctoral students, corresponding to PUC-Rio's usual time frame for the Program completion.

Besides the aforementioned scholarships, the University to which a Professor is linked also grants CAPES scholarships. In this case, candidates should contact the Post-Graduate Pro-Rectory of his or her University.

Candidates from other countries of the Americas may apply for PEC/PG scholarships awarded by CAPES and CNPq through competent consular bodies. Candidates should seek information at the Brazilian consulate of their country, at least one year prior to the scheduled enrollment date.

Scholarships and tuition waivers are assigned each academic term and may or may not be renewed according to the student's academic performance.

Concentration areas and lines of research

Concentration Area: Applied Electromagnetism

Lines of Research

  • Antennas: Development of numerical and analytical methods for the synthesis and analysis of antennas and radiating structures for both fixed and mobile terrestrial as well as satellite communication systems.
  • Quantum Communication: Study and development of techniques of manipulation and transmission of quantum information via optical fibers and free space.
  • Optoelectronics: Nanodevices and nanomaterials, optoelectronic devices: detectors, lasers, sensors, solar cells, new materials.
  • Optoelectronics and Instrumentation: Electro-optical devices, optical fibers and optical system components. Instrumentation techniques.
  • Radio Propagation: Propagation channel characterization, radio meteorology, cellular communication systems, cognitive radio.
Concentration Area: Decision Support Methods

Lines of Research

  • Computational Intelligence: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Computation, Hybrid Intelligent Systems.
  • Linear and Nonlinear Statistical Models: Stochastic processes, Time series and econometric models, State space models. Applications: energy, economy and finance, insurance and commodities.
Concentration Area: Signal Processing, Automation and Robotics

Lines of Research

  • Electronic Instrumentation: Development of new electronic techniques, which make it possible to solve several experimental problems in engineering.
  • Signal processing: Adaptive signal processing; statistical signal processing; signal decompositions; exploitation of prior knowledge. Applications: communication systems; electronic systems; sensor and defence systems; image analysis.
  • Robotics: Remotely operated robotic systems, autonomous systems, adaptive signal processing, image processing, signal decomposition, embedded electronics, sensors and actuators, automation, reinforcement learning, motion planning, parallel processing, computational intelligence; theory, modeling and control of robotic systems.
Concentration Area: Communication Systems
  • Signal processing for communications: Development of digital signal processing techniques for communication systems.
  • Digital Transmission System: Studies analyses and development of techniques for modulation and transmission, parameter estimation and detection in digital transmission systems.
Concentration Area: Power Systems
  • Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems: Application of probabilistic models and methods to evaluate the past, present and future performance of electric power systems. Not only conceptual aspects are duly studied, but also practical issues that will define new techniques and criteria for planning the expansion, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the performance of current power systems.
  • Planning and Operation in Power Systems: Security in power system operation, voltage stability, unit commitment model, generation dispatch and energy market, transmission expansion, distribution and generation; integration of renewable energy; electricity market; technologies for metering control system.

Course Recognition

Master’s and Doctoral degrees

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 6 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degrees: Master and/or Doctor in Electrical Engineering

Requirements for obtaining the Master’s and Doctoral degrees

The Program's Regulation, containing every requirement and deadline, is handed to the student upon his or her first enrollment.

It is recommended that the enrolled student obtains a minimum of 12 credits in disciplines related to his or her Concentration Area (as shown in the list below). The student may, however, submit a Study Plan to the Graduate and Research Committee justifying his or her choice of an alternative discipline list. In order to follow disciplines from other Graduate Programs, the student must have the approval of both the Graduate and Research Committee and that of the thesis or dissertation advisor, except for disciplines included in the recommended list.



Admission and Enrollment

For enrollment, besides the general requirements, the Civil Engineering Department demands the following :

Undergraduate Diploma for the Master’s course and Master's Degree for the Doctoral course.

The doctoral applicant, knowing the Program's lines of research, must contact the most appropriate advisor from the Program's Permanent Faculty and obtain his or her agreement (Declaration of Mutual Commitment between Professor and Doctoral Student).

Applicant selection criteria is made by the Graduate and Research Committee based on academic transcripts, curriculum vitae, reference letters and, if necessary, interviews with Doctoral applicants.

Registration requirements must be done according to the University's academic calendar.

All applicants should submit the following documents:

Master applicants

Declaration of Mutual Commitment between the student and dissertation advisor for the following concentration areas: Decision Support Methods and Signal Processing, Automation and Robotics.

Doctoral candidates

Master’s degree diploma or certificate of expected completion before the beginning of the intended course;

Master’s degree academic transcripts;

Declaration of Mutual Commitment between the student and thesis advisor for all the concentration areas.

Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners Certificate

Selected candidates whose native language is not Portuguese or Spanish must present the Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners Certificate, the Celpl -Bras or equivalent upon enrollment.

Go to, graduate, registration, for accessing the link contents.