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Graduate Program in Education

More information

+55 21 3527-1815
+55 21 3527-1816
+55 21 3527-1817

Departamento de Educação
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
10º andar, Prédio Cardeal Leme, Sala 1049L
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Office hours:
10:00am to 12:30pm and
1:30pm to 4:00pm

General Information

Program Overview and History

The Graduate Program in Education is developed in two levels: the Master’s and the Doctoral Programs in Education.

A pioneer in the country, the Master’ course was established in 1966. The Doctoral course started in 1976. Both have had a decisive role in qualifying professors and researchers of renowned competence, as well as in developing lines of action and research on relevant subjects in the field of the education.

One of its marks is the academic excellence, as is attested by the CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel; from the Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation.

Other characteristics of the Program are its plurality and its flexibility. The faculty covers a wide range of analytical perspectives and theoretical–methodological approaches. The Program‘s identity was built on the flexibility of its curriculum structure, with an emphasis on the articulation between teaching and research, without however losing a common ground of knowledge, which are worked in the compulsory disciplines as well as in the foundational ones.

The Master’s course in Education is characterized by the development of a capacity for consistent analysis and criticism concerning the reality of education.

The Doctoral course in Education is characterized by the development of the creativity and technical skills in the educational field, while focusing on the practice of research.

The Program comprehends the following characteristics:


The PUC-Rio Graduate Program in Education's main objective is to collaborate with the production and socialization of knowledge that can subsidize the intervention in the improvement of the quality of Brazilian education, particularly public education. The Master’s course aims at the development of consistent analysis and criticism on the reality of education, and the Doctoral course aims at the development of the scientific and technical creativity in the education field centered in practice of research. The identity of the Program was built around the teaching- research articulation.

Concentration areas and lines of research

Line of Research 1: Ideas and Education institutions

This line of research is focused on the configuration of educational ideas, mainly in Brazil, from two perspectives: a philosophical one, seeking to deepen the presuppositions that found the different trends and tendencies of thought; and a historical one, which seeks to interpret the meaning of the projects, experiences and institutions through which different social actors seek to materialize those ideas (Prof. Ana Waleska Mendonça, Patrícia Coellho and Ralph Bannell)

Line of Research 2: Education, Social Inequalities and Public Policies

This line of research is focused on the subject of the democratization of education. It comprehends the analysis of implemented macro social policies and of formulated and implemented practices in the context of families, of educational institutions and of their administration. It prioritizes the understanding of both the processes of producing social inequalities and the effective initiatives in promoting equity. The subject of the democratization of education is approached through investigations on conditions of educational access, flow and performance, as well as on the processes that are triggered by political and civil society committed to broaden children, youth and adults' cultural background as well as their educational level. (Prof: Alicia Bonamino, Cynthia Paes de Carvalho, Murillo Maschner Alves de Brito, Sonia Kramer and Zaia Brandão)

Line of Research 3: Teaching work, curriculum, learning and Pedagogical Practices

This line of research is focused on the dilemmas and challenges faced by the professor from policies of evaluation, as well as of curriculum policies proposed by education secretariats and educational companies. The subject of training comprehends both introductory as well as continuing education. In the case of introductory education, the investigations have taken into account the experiences that have been developing in Pedagogy and other degree courses, in terms of knowledge, skills, methodologies and didactic strategies which are necessary for new licentiate courses. In the case of continuing education the research is oriented toward the efficiency of recent policies of teachers’ professional development. These research perspectives are focused on pedagogical practices, with the aim of ensuring the efficacy of teaching and learning of children and youngsters. (Prof: Isabel Lelis, Maria Inês Marcondes and Zena Eisenberg).

Line of Research 4: Cultural Differences, Training Spaces and Educational Processes

This line investigates the relationship between education and cultural processes and instances of socialization. It thematizes cultural practices and conceptions and seeks to understand the historical and social construction of identities as well as of knowledge and their uses. Recent   projects of this line have been privileging themes related to childhood and youth; multiculturalism and education (ethnic-racial questions,  gender, sexualities, disability, and religions) intercultural relations in formal and non-formal educational settings. (Prof: Cristina Carvalho, Marcelo Andrade, Marcello Sorrentino and Vera Candau)

Line of Research 5: Digital languages, Technologies and Education

This line has as its main goal to analyze and understand training and of teaching-learning processes which configure themselves in the relationship with digital languages. The developed researches privilege: the relationship of children and youngsters with digital media; digital inclusion; digital languages in formal and non-formal educational processes; the evaluation of educational projects and programs with the use of media; digital technologies and pedagogical practices; public policies for the insertion of technologies in education; distance education. (Prof: Apparecida Mamede, Gilda Bernadino, Magda Pischetola and Rólsalia Duarte)

Course Recognition

Master’s and Doctoral degrees

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 6 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degrees: Master in Education and/or Doctor in Human Sciences-Education

Requirements for obtaining the Master’s and Doctoral degrees


Obtain a minimum of 24 credits distributed as follows:


Complete 48 credits as follows:

If the candidate does not have a master’s degree, he/she must fulfill 24 credits corresponding to the Master’s course in Education of the Department.

The candidate may transfer credits obtained in master courses in other fields or institutions, upon approval of the Graduate Committee and in accordance with the general regulatory rules.

After obtaining the regular academic credits, the doctoral student should perform in the Qualifying Examination I (thesis project defense) and Qualifying Examination II (three chapters of the thesis defense).

The Doctoral student must be approved in an examination of both English and French; one of these two languages can be replaced by a third one (except Spanish) proposed by the doctoral student and accepted by the Graduate Committee. The successful result of the foreign language previously tested in the master’s course will be transferred to the Doctoral course.

The doctoral candidate should defend and be approved in a Doctoral thesis.

Admission and Enrollment


