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Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology

More information

+55 21 3527-1185
+55 21 3527-1186

Departamento de Psicologia
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Sala 201L
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Office hours:
8:00am to 12:00pm and
2:00pm to 4:00pm

General Information


The PUC-Rio Psychology Department’s stricto sensu Graduate Program is composed of a Master’s course (established in 1966, the first in the country) and  a Doctoral course (established in 1985) in the field of Clinical Psychology, both of them rated grade 5 by the CAPES evaluation.

Objective and History

The Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology aims at training research professors and developing a continuous process of production and critical reflection of knowledge.

In 1966, the Psychology Department at PUC-Rio implemented the country’s first Master’s course in the field of Clinical Psychology, which was also the first to be accredited by the Federal Council of Education in 1972. The Doctorate was implemented in 1985. Since then, the strictu sensu Graduate Program has been undergoing continuous reformulations in order to follow new developments in the production of knowledge in the field.

The Graduate Program's Concentration Area has been, since its beginnings, Clinical Psychology, a field of great tradition that possesses an undisputed leadership in Rio de Janeiro and in the country.

Clinical Psychology is a branch of knowledge that increasingly recognizes the  decisive role that socio-cultural factors play on the determination of the construction of subjectivity, and considers the study of culture a fundamental part of this field. The Program’s main focus is thus the study of socio-cultural aspects involved in subjective experiences, without however losing sight of the contextualization of the clinical field’s theory and practices. This type of approach is reflected in the definition of the five lines of research developed in our Program.

Concentration area and lines of research

Concentration area: Clinical Psychology

Line 1: Psychoanalysis: Clinic and Culture

The basic proposal of this line of research is to contribute to the production of knowledge that is built from the articulation of psychoanalytic theory and practice. Culture is the central focus of research, utilizing theoretical and clinical approaches associated with Psychoanalysis in conjunction with different fields of knowledge, such as Social Psychology, Philosophy, and Social Sciences. From this expanded clinical framework and considering the multiple transformations and games of power that cross the contemporary world, we can think about the different forms of subjectivity that are in effect today and their consequent clinical effects. (Professors: Carlos Augusto Peixoto Jr, Junia de Vilhena, Marcus André Vieira, Maria Isabel de Andrade Fortes, Monah Winograd).

Line 2: Social Psychology: the Individual and Society

This line of research seeks to develop knowledge from various theoretical perspectives on issues related to Social Psychology, from an individual approach to a group and societal perspective of psychosocial phenomena. Among the research topics are such issues as attitudes, prejudice, social identity, personality, social inequality, social movements, human rights, consumer behavior, romantic relationships, and educational practices. (Professors: Jean Carlos Natividade, Maria Helena Rodrigues Navas Zamora, Samuel Lincoln Bezerra Lins, Solange Jobim e Souza).

Line 3: Family, Marriage and Children: Theory and Practice

This line of research consists of family, couple, and child studies based on clinical and sociocultural approaches. The construction of subjectivity in childhood and adolescence is the main object of study, using a psychoanalytical approach, with research on parenting, clinical practice with children, and relationships between adolescent symptoms and social bonds. Family and couple psychotherapy is investigated using systemic and psychoanalytical approaches, emphasizing the articulation of these two approaches. We also investigate relevant aspects of the constitution of the family and contemporary weddings, emphasizing sociocultural factors. Studies have been developed on the following topics: generational psychic transmission; object relations; psychic and clinical constitution of early life; child and infant psychoanalysis; narration and symbolization processes; new marital and family settings; homosexuality; adoption; adolescence conception; health in the family; loving relationships; sexuality and gender; marriage, divorce, and remarriage; conjugality and parenting; couples therapy; and diagnosis and family therapy. (Professors: Andrea Seixas Magalhães, Sílvia Maria Abu-Jamra Zornig, Terezinha Féres-Carneiro).

Line 4: Clinical Neurosciences

This line of research seeks to articulate knowledge that is developed by different approaches related to Clinical Psychology and various areas of neuroscience. It addresses the clinical aspects of neurological illness, developmental neuropsychology, and neural circuits that underlie emotional and cognitive processes. We are also interested in sociocultural determinants of the constitution of the individual and relationships to the development, structure, and function of the nervous system. Theoretical and empirical studies involve clinical, correlational, and experimental data. Among the topics of interest are instruments and evaluation practices; neuropsychological rehabilitation throughout development and healthy and pathological aging; neural systems that are involved in memory, emotion, and consciousness; animal models of mental disorders; the etiology and expression of different mental disorders; and child development and the establishment of affective bonds. (Daniel C. Mograbi, Helenice Charchat Fichman, J. Landeira-Fernandez).

Line 5: Health and Human Development

This line of research focuses on studying human development as a process of transformations throughout the life cycle within specific cultural contexts. It also seeks to understand biopsychosocial phenomena that are involved in health and disease processes. It seeks to integrate, within an interdisciplinary context, evaluation initiatives, prevention, intervention, and research practices that promote well-being, quality of life, and physical and mental health. Research is being developed on various topics, such as trajectories of socialization and self-development; beliefs and parenting practices; social interactions and emotional development; construction and adaptation of psychological instruments; assessment of emotional and behavioral problems in childhood; and the assessment of mental health indicators throughout the life cycle.

Course Recognition and Program Evaluation by CAPES

Master’s and Doctoral Degrees

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 5 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degrees: Master and/or Doctor in Psychology

Requirements for obtaining the Master’s and Doctoral degrees



Admission and Enrollment

