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Graduate Program in Business Administration

More information

+55 21 2138-9220

Depto. de Administração (IAG)
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Prédio IAG, Térreo
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Office hours:
10:00am to 20:00pm

General Information

Program Overview

The Graduate Program in Business Administration of PUC-Rio, with its academic doctoral and master courses, is fundamentally oriented towards research and academic development, as well as towards the formation of high level professionals in business administration, prepared for complex and innovative decision-making. The professional master course is oriented, primarily, towards the formation of high level professionals in business administration, able to handle the complexity of their practices.

The Program intends to integrate a humanist view with the ability to manage organizational processes inside a company, contributing to the process of forming a creative class of flexible and emancipated administrators which understands the business company as a whole placed in an extremely dynamic and challenging reality, and able to produce gains from the synergy that can be achieved through the harmonization of economic and social objectives.

Thus, it enables the realization of qualified professional staff able to engage in the change management processes of business reality, in its instrumental, abstract and subtle aspects, and able to reconcile these aspects in an integrative set, aimed at decision-making and criticism of available management methods.

The Program also channels its energies to integrate graduate with undergraduate activities, so that both can benefit from teaching and research activities. In this sense, some actions are carried out. Among them, one can highlight:

One of the results obtained with this integration is to allow the Business Administration Department be known as the Business School of PUC-RIO.


The Program is fundamentally aimed towards research, academic development and the training of high-level professionals in business administration.


The Graduate Program in Business Administration was created in 1972 with the implementation of the Business Administration master's course. In 1997, Doctoral course in Administration was created and in 1999, the Professional option of Business Administration Master’s course.

Since its creation, the Program has been obtaining excellent evaluations from CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel); from Brazilian Ministry of Education.

Concentration areas and lines of research


Planning, Strategy and Performance

Description: (a)Includes studies and projects involving corporate strategy, competitive and collaborative modeling and measurement of organization performance, strategy planning and strategy governance, among others, and (b) research about Brazilian multinational companies, internationalization strategies, internationalization of company clusters, internationalized company performance, born globals and international entrepreneurship, made in effects, among others.

Financial Decision Making in Risky and Uncertain Environments

Description: Comprehends the financial modeling based on the quantification of the uncertainties impact, focusing on risk analysis under the optics of the Real Options and Derivatives theory and also the area of Economy and Finances of the Energy, with emphasis on projects of Infrastructure decision-making; the Financial Econometrics projects, Valuation and Corporate Governance complete the basis for the development and improvement of models, along with the Behavioral Finance theory incorporating the irrationality of financial agents to the models.

Impact of Change in Marketing Strategies

Description: Includes researches and projects relating to consumer behavior, consumer relations, marketing, services, international marketing, online marketing, communication and semiotics, among others.

Organization Studies and Labor Relations in Changing Environments

Description: Comprehends research in organizations: theories, management models, structures and processes, organizational behavior: values, identity, culture, power, commitment, leadership, negotiation, change, learning and knowledge management; meaning and labor relations; people management, skills, employability and career; and organizational studies: critical perspectives on organizations; communication and organizational discourse; history, memory and organizations.


Financial Decision Making in Risky and Uncertain Environments

Description: Comprehends the financial modeling based on the quantification of the uncertainties impact, focusing on risk analysis under the optics of the Real Options and Derivatives theory and also the area of Economy and Finances of the Energy, with emphasis on projects of Infrastructure decision-making; the Financial Econometrics projects, Valuation and Corporate Governance complete the basis for the development and improvement of models, along with the Behavioral Finance theory incorporating the irrationality of financial agents to the models.

Impact of Change in Marketing Strategies

Description: Includes researches and projects relating to consumer behavior, consumer relations, marketing, services, international marketing, online marketing, communication and semiotics, among others.

Planning, Strategy and Performance

Description: (a)Includes studies and projects involving corporate strategy, competitive and collaborative modeling and measurement of organization performance, strategy planning and strategy governance, among others, and (b) research about Brazilian multinational companies, internationalization strategies, internationalization of company clusters, internationalized company performance, born globals and international entrepreneurship, made in effects, among others.

Organization Studies and Labor Relations in Changing Environment

Description: Comprehends research in organizations: theories, management models, structures and processes, organizational behavior: values, identity, culture, power, commitment, leadership, negotiation, change, learning and knowledge management; meaning and labor relations; people management, skills, employability and career; and organizational studies: critical perspectives on organizations; communication and organizational discourse; history, memory and organizations.

Recognition of the Course

Master’s and Doctoral Degrees

CAPES evaluation: grade 5 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degree: Master and/or Doctor in Business Administration


Professional Master's Course

CAPES evaluation: grade 4 (in a 3 to 5 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degree: Master in Business Administration

Requirements for obtaining the Master’s and Doctoral degrees

Academic Master

Complete fourteen disciplines, as follows:

Disciplines Number of Disciplines Number of Credits
Leveling 03 0
Compulsory 07 21
Electives of concentration area 03 09
Free Electives 01 03
Total credits 14 33

The school semester immediately subsequent to the obtainment of the 33 credits should be entirely dedicated to the elaboration of the master’s degree dissertation. The period stipulated for the degree is 24 months or four (4) semesters.


Professional Master

Complete a minimum of 42 credits, as follows:

Nucleus Number of Disciplines Number of credits
Common 09 18
Instrumental 04 08
Application 03 06
Deepening 05 10
Total 21 42

Upon completion of the required credits, the student must present, defend and be approved in his or her dissertation within 24 months, counting from the beginning of the course.



Complete a minimum of 36 credits, as follow:

Upon completion of the required credits, the student must be approved in the Qualifying Examination and in the defense of his or her Doctoral Thesis within 48 months, counting from the beginning of the course.

Admission and Enrollment

Academic Master’s degree

Applicant selection to the Master's course at PUC-RIO Business Administration is held annually. Candidates must hold an undergraduate degree that provides them with enough knowledge to follow the course's activities. The registration is formalized upon the General Office of the Course’s reception of the following documentation:

The applicant selection is composed by the following stages:

Stage 1: Joint analysis of the undergraduate academic transcripts and the Anpad or GMAT test result

Stage 2: Writing test, for selected applicants of stage

Stage 3: Interview, for selected applicants of the two previous stages

Professional Master's degree

Applicant selection to the Professional Master's course in Business Administration is held annually. Candidates must hold an undergraduate degree that provides them with enough knowledge to follow the course's activities. The registration is formalized upon the General Office of the Course’s reception of the following documentation:

The applicant selection is composed of the following stages:

Stage 1: Joint analysis of the undergraduate academic transcripts and the Anpad test result

Stage 2: Writing test, for selected applicants of stage 1

Stage 3: Interview, for selected applicants of the two previous stages.



Applicant selection to the Professional Master's course in Business Administration is held annually. The registration is formalized upon the General Office of the Course’s reception of the following documentation:

Note: The applicant selection is based on analysis of the documentation and interview with the Department professors.