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Brasão da PUC-Rio

Coordenação Central de Cooperação Internacional

Incoming Students


PUC-Rio has a small clinic located in  the Village that is open from 8 am to 8 pm. Attendance at the clinic is carried out by accredited doctors and is free for staff and students. This clinic is convenient for simple cases such as headache, sore throat and fever. For cases requiring a specialist, students must go to a private or public clinic in Rio de Janeiro

The Emergency Care Units - UPA 24 health facilities are of intermediate complexity situated between Primary Care and Hospital Network, which together with this, compose an organized Emergency Care Network.

List of UPAs: http://www.rio.rj.gov.br/web/sms/exibeconteudo?id=4206759

What it takes to be served in UPA:

UPA Copacabana: Rua Siqueira Campos nº 129, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro – RJ CEP: 22.031-070 ‎ Telefone: 2333-9287 / 9288 / 9291.

UPA Botafogo: Rua São Clemente, s/nº, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (esquina com Rua Nelson Mandela, próximo ao metrô) CEP: 22.260-000 Telefone: 2334-4011 / 4014 / 4013.

Hospital Miguel Couto (free of charge): Rua Bartolomeu Mitre nº 1018, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro- RJ Telefone: 3111-3801.

Clínica São Vicente – private (24 hours): Rua São Borges 204, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro- RJ Telefone: 2529-4422.

Clínica Galdino Campos – private (24 hours home Medical Care Service): Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana nº 492, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro-RJ Telefone: 2548-9966.

Contact / Social Media


Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225,
Edifício Padre Leonel Franca - 8º andar, Gávea
CEP 22451-900
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - BRASIL

Office hours

Monday to Friday:
9h to 12h and 14h to 17h