Graduate Program in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity
More information
+55 21 3527-1043
+55 21 3527-1444
Departamento de Letras
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
3º andar do prédio Pe. Leonel Franca
Rio de Janeiro RJ
Office hours:
9:00am to 12:00pm and
2:00pm to 5:00pm
General Information
Program Overview
Since the creation of the Graduate Program in Literature in Brazil in the 1970s — when PUC-Rio was the third institution in the country to offer a Doctoral course — the Literature Studies field stood out as a center of research and training linked to the trends that marked the last quarter of the twentieth century: it adopted a transdisciplinary perspective, dialogued with critical emerging theories and strands and significantly diversified the domain of research objects in the field of Literature. Its faculty members and graduates have achieved wide recognition within the Brazilian national graduate system and have conducted conceptual and methodological debates that have made significant impacts across the country.
The new PUC-Rio Graduate Program in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity, with its Master's and Doctoral courses, is structured from this trajectory. The Program will highlight transdisciplinary approaches, theoretical-critical formulations rooted in contemporaneity and will host, through the research projects developed by its faculty members and graduate students, a diverse range of research objects within the scope of literature, of other artistic languages and of culture.
The Grade 5 attributed by CAPES to the Graduate Program in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity since its creation acknowledges, on one hand, the innovative character and the multidisciplinary perspective of its Proposal, which responds to the formative demands of various fields of Human Sciences, Arts and, in particular, contemporary demands of human resources in culture and aesthetic production fields. On the other hand, the Grade 5 recognizes the high-level qualification of its faculty members.
Enrollment in the Graduate Program in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity is done through registration in the annual Selection Process, whose requirements are defined in the Notice.
The Graduate Program in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity publishes the “Semear” journal, from the Father Antonio Vieira Cathedra, which has national and international distributions, as well as the electronic journal “Escrita”, which is organized by graduate students.
The Graduate Program in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity, through a skillful and consistent articulation between the specificity of knowledge produced in each one of its lines of research and the transversality of the nuclear epistemological perspectives of the concentration area that brings them together, aims to:
- Offer graduate students a multidisciplinary training and in a solid articulation with the knowledge produced by the lines of research and projects, enabling them to the practice of questioning reflection and at the same time, propositional reflection, on current topics and on the tradition of its field of knowledge;
- Welcome and encourage innovative dissertation and thesis projects, both with regard to their theoretical and critical assumptions as to the domain of contemplated objects;
- Promote, through compulsory disciplines and activities with contents shared by all research lines, opportunities for dialogue and intellectual, theoretical and methodological exchanges;
- Promote the effective integration of graduate students in the research activities developed by the Program’s research groups and projects, through systematic seminars on researches in progress;
- Stimulate graduate students’ participation in studies, activities and extracurricular events, relevant to their specialized academic formation and to their performance as researchers;
- Qualify graduate students for teaching at a higher level as well as for critical and purposeful intervention in other educational levels or in professional fields that are relative to their academic background.
Concentration areas and lines of research
The Concentration Area in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity is defined through the epistemological perspective that understands contemporaneity both through theoretical-critical aspects, considering literature as an object of culture to be analyzed in aesthetic and political terms, as through the aspect that emphasizes the apprehension of these objects in the scenario of literature and artistic practices of the present time.
Line of research and related projects
Line of research 1: Contemporary challenges: theories and criticism
Understanding contemporaneity as an epistemological perspective that accentuates temporality in the construction of knowledge in various disciplinary fields and rendering visible its complexity and contingency, this line of research integrates investigations that launch new theoretical perspectives on origins, combinations and processes of hybridization and diversity in literary, artistic and cultural productions, in the aesthetic and political dimensions and in the options and forms of its theoretical and critical construction.
Line of research 2: New scenarios of writing
This line of research gathers investigations focused on the sedimented notion of writing, not merely understanding it in the textual ambit, but also in the visual, plastic, tactile and auditory dimensions, both within an artistic system, and as a system of specific social practices. Its focus highlights borderline and/or cross-border experiences that resist significant processes instituted by questioning traditional practices of interpretation and communication. Thus, this notion of writing emphasizes the performative power of aesthetic experience by privileging a non-dichotomous view of body and meaning, background and surface, strength and form.
The line of research 3: Literature, culture and politics in Lusophone spaces
This line of research gathers investigations that privilege the transversal study of the Lusophone space and its national and transnational aspects, in its continuities and discontinuities. With an emphasis on relations between aesthetics and politics, culture and power, and the contemporary identity figurations and reconfigurations, investigations are organized from conceptual axes that include analysis of literary, theoretical, essayistic and intervention texts, as well as examples of other canonical or massive languages. This line of research conceives Lusophony as a field of convergences, differences and decisive contrasts in the symbolic negotiations that contemporaneity imposes.
Course Recognition
Master’s Degree
CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 5 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degrees: Master in Literature
Doctoral Degree
CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Eduction Personnel; from Brazilian Ministry of Education) evaluation: grade 5 (in a 3 to 7 scale) for the 2010-2012 period.
Approved by the CNE/CES MEC n.288/2015 of July 08, 2015.
Granted degrees: Doctor in Literature
Requirements for obtaining the Master’s and Doctoral degrees
- Obtainment of a minimum of 24 credits in graduate disciplines, within a study program approved by the dissertation advisor;
- Approval in the Qualifying Exam (LET 3014) until the end of the 3rd academic semester;
- Fulfillment of the required activities;
- Approval of a Master’s dissertation (LET 3011) and delivery of the exemplars of the Master’s dissertation according to the internal regulations of PUC-Rio.
- Obtainment of a minimum of 36 credits, from which up to 12 credits obtained in the Master’s course can be transferred to the Doctoral course;
- Approval in the Qualifying Exam (LET3015) until the end of the 5th academic semester;
- Fulfillment of the required activities;
- Approval of a Doctoral thesis (LET 3021) and delivery of the exemplars of the Doctoral thesis according to the internal regulations at PUC-Rio.