Vestibular 2001Provas e Gabaritos

  Todos os Grupos Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3






Inglês - Todos os Grupos
Prova objetiva realizada no dia 01/12/2001

Text 1







     In our self-absorbed age, everything is the newest New
Thing or the biggest Big Thing. This spirit inevitably invests
the Internet with transcendent significance. Steve Case of
America Online already calls the new century "the Internet
Century," and some authorities whisper that the Internet
rivals the importance of Gutemberg's invention of the printing
press in the 15th century. We suffer from historical amnesia.
     Suppose you were born in 1900. You wouldn't yet watch
movies, let alone global TV. The airplane hadn't been invented,
and Henry Ford wouldn't produce the first Model T until 1908.
Fewer than 10 percent of U.S. homes had phones, and fewer
than 8 percent had electricity. Antibiotics hadn't been
discovered. As yet the Internet isn't in the same league with
these developments.
     Each changed lifestyles and popular beliefs. The automobile
suburbanized America and inaugurated mass travel.
Antibiotics, vaccines and public-health advances helped
raise life expectancy from 46 in 1900 to 77 today. The
explosion of prosperity - a consequence of electricity, other
technologies and modern management - shortened working
hours and expanded leisure. Movies and TV transformed
popular culture. As a matter of fact, the Internet is too young
for anyone to foretell its ultimate significance.
     Our historical amnesia could benefit from the words of a
Tennessee farmer at a church meeting in the 1940s. "Brothers
and sisters, I want to tell you this," he said. "The greatest thing
on earth is to have the love of God in your heart, and the next
greatest is to have electricity in your home." Can the Internet
really top that?

From Newsweek, January 24, 2000


In line 1, "self-absorbed" means:
(A) materialistic.
(B) revolutionary.
(C) self-admiring.
(D) competitive.
(E) self-conscious

(C) self-admiring.
Para acertar, o candidato deverá entender o sentido global da expressão "self-absorbed age", a qual aparece no início do primeiro parágrafo do Texto 1. A partir da leitura atenta desse texto, entende-se que estamos vivendo uma era passível de ser descrita como "self-absorbed" por ser narcisista, na medida em que considera seus avanços e invenções superiores aos que ocorreram anteriormente na história da humanidade. A única resposta que reproduz esse sentido é (C), "self-admiring".

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

We suffer from historical amnesia (lines 7 and 24) because:
(A) we invest all developments with unparalleled significance.
(B) we fail to remember some wise words uttered back in the 40s.
(C) we tend to forget major developments and inventions of the past.
(D) it is too soon to assess the importance of the Internet.
(E) the lessons of the past are necessarily forgotten.

(C) we tend to forget major developments and inventions of the past.
O candidato deverá identificar, na opção correta, uma justificativa para a afirmação, feita pelo autor nas linhas 7 e 24 do Texto 1, de que sofremos de "amnésia histórica". A alternativa que dá corretamente essa justificativa é (C), segundo a qual nós tendemos a esquecer importantes avanços e invenções ocorridas no passado. O uso do verbo "forget" ("esquecer") no enunciado da opção correta reforça a relação estabelecida com a idéia de amnésia.

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) The Model T was a car manufactured by Henry Ford in 1908.
(B) The invention of antibiotics was less important than that of the Internet.
(C) The use of electric power and telephone services was not widespread in 1900.
(D) So far the Internet hasn't proved to be as important as some earlier inventions.
(E) Movies and cable TV were not available at the turn of the century.

(D) So far the Internet hasn't proved to be as important as some earlier inventions.
O candidato deverá ser capaz de identificar a opção que sintetiza a idéia principal do segundo parágrafo do Texto 1. Essa idéia se encontra delineada no último período do parágrafo, em que o autor diz que a Internet ainda não alcançou a importância de grandes avanços ocorridos já no século XX e mencionados no início do trecho. A resposta que expressa a idéia principal do parágrafo é (D); as demais reproduzem algumas afirmações do trecho, embora não sintetizem, de forma alguma, a idéia central do mesmo.

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Mark the only correct alternative:
(A) "these" (line 14) refers to "antibiotics" (line 12).
(B) "its" (line 23) refers to "Internet" (line 22).
(C) "this" (line 26) refers to "historical amnesia" (line 24).
(D) "this" (line 26) refers to "church meeting" (line 25).
(E) "that" (line 29) refers to "home" (line 28).

(B) "its" (line 23) refers to "Internet" (line 22).
Para acertar esta questão de referência, o candidato deverá perceber que, das alternativas propostas, a única relação pronome/antecedente correta observa-se entre "its" (linha 23) e "Internet" (linha 22). A opção certa é, portanto, a letra (B).

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

The third paragraph is structured by:
(A) generalization and exemplification.
(B) definition and exemplification.
(C) definition and comparison.
(D) classification and argumentation.
(E) classification and description.

(A) generalization and exemplification.
A questão trabalha com a organização retórica do terceiro parágrafo do Texto 1. Para acertar, o candidato deverá ser capaz de perceber que a primeira frase do parágrafo faz uma generalização, a saber, que as invenções e descobertas citadas no parágrafo anterior mudaram estilos de vida e crenças populares. Em seguida, o trecho destacado apresenta exemplos que ilustram tal generalização. Esses exemplos compreendem a invenção do automóvel, a descoberta dos antibióticos, das vacinas e da eletricidade, dentre outros. A opção que retrata corretamente a estrutura na qual se baseia o parágrafo indicado é (A).

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Check the only true statement according to the text.
(A) Popular culture is a consequence of movies and global TV.
(B) The automobile allowed people to live far from the center of big cities.
(C) In the year 1900 electricity was more common in U.S. homes than telephones.
(D) Some authorities believe that the Internet will replace the printing press.
(E) All religious people believe that electricity is the greatest thing on earth besides God's love

(B) The automobile allowed people to live far from the center of big cities.
O candidato deverá ser capaz de perceber que, de todas as alternativas oferecidas, a única que contém uma afirmação verdadeira, de acordo com as idéias expostas no Texto 1, é (B). A tese de que o automóvel possibilitou que as pessoas vivessem longe dos centros das grandes cidades corresponde à afirmação "The automobile suburbanized America", encontrada nas linhas 15 e 16 do texto examinado.

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Text 2

     "Take the stairs" is a common exercise tip in lifestyle behavior modification programs, once strictly a mainstay of alternative health clinics and now part of everyday medicine at the country's biggest hospitals and clinics. The accessible act of bypassing the escalator or elevator can help keep off pounds and even extend your life, according to research. As one study at Cleveland Clinic showed, covering two flights of stairs daily can result in a loss of up to 10 pounds in a year. Other findings indicate that using the stairs 10 minutes per day can add one to two years to your life.

From Seattle Times, August 13, 2000

The main purpose of this passage is to:
(A) present an efficient substitute for a low-fat diet.
(B) criticize those who prefer to take the elevators and escalators.
(C) argue that taking the stairs is the latest fashion in health clinics.
(D) complain against people who do not work out on a daily basis.
(E) inform people about the benefits of taking the stairs.

(E) inform people about the benefits of taking the stairs.
Para acertar, o candidato deverá ser capaz de compreender que o objetivo principal do Texto 2 é informar o leitor sobre os benefícios decorrentes do uso freqüente de escadas, conforme explicitado na opção (E).

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

According to the passage all the following statements about "taking the stairs" are true, ,
EXCEPT one. Mark it:
(A) Taking the stairs can make one's life longer.
(B) Climbing stairs regularly can result in weight loss.
(C) The use of stairs is now recommended in health treatments.
(D) The advantages of taking the stairs are supported by scientific research.
(E) The treatment offered by alternative health clinics is more accessible and healthier.

(E) The treatment offered by alternative health clinics is more accessible and healthier.
O candidato deverá ser capaz de identificar a opção (E) como a única que contém uma afirmativa falsa, já que em nenhum momento o Texto 2 afirma que o tratamento oferecido por clínicas alternativas é mais acessível e mais saudável.

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Text 3

77A Charterhouse Street, EC1.
Tel: 0044-20-74900444
Capacity: 2,000
Entrance fee: £7-£15
Best night: Addiction,
Sundays 9pm-5am

Kings Cross Depot, Goods Way, N1
Tel: 0044-20-72782171
Capacity: 3,000
Entrance fee: £10-£14
Best night: Freedom,
Saturdays 10pm - 7am

Notting Hill Arts Club
21 Notting Hill Gate, W11
Tel: 0044-20-74604459
Capacity: 200
Entrance fee: free
Best night: Fortnightly on
Sundays 4pm-11pm

The Brix, St Matthews Church,
Brixton Hill, London W2
Tel: 0044-20-77371016
Capacity: 1,000
Entrance fee: £6-£8
Best night: Movement,
Monthly on Saturdays.

The Music Box
Oxford Street.
Tel: 0044-161-8195205
Capacity: 800
Entrance fee: £7-£8
Best night: Electric Chair,
Monthly on Saturdays,

Wolstenholme Square
Tel: 0044-151-7091693
Capacity: 3,500
Entrance fee: £8-£10
Best night: Cream,
Saturdays 10 pm-4am

Check the only source in which Text 3 could NOT be found.
(A) A website.
(B) A travel guide.
(C) A British newspaper.
(D) A phone book.
(E) An international magazine.

(D) A phone book.
O candidato deverá ser capaz de reconhecer que a única publicação na qual o Texto 3 não pode ser encontrado é o caderno de telefones/catálogo telefônico ( nos EUA o catálogo telefônico é chamado coloquialmente de "phone book"), já que informações relativas a valores de ingresso e ao melhor dia para se ir a um determinado clube noturno são comuns em sites da Internet, guias turísticos, jornais e revistas internacionais, mas não em cadernos/catálogos telefônicos. Conseqüentemente, a opção correta é (D).

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

You are visiting the United Kingdom and want to dance in fashionable clubs. Check the item which presents a suitable choice according to the information found in Text 3.
(A) A club outside London that opens before 10pm Nation
(B) A large London club that closes past 6am Bagley's
(C) An expensive club with limited capacity Notting Hill Arts Club
(D) An entrance fee not higher than £10 and the largest capacities in London Mass
(E) To have a great Sunday afternoon Fabric

(B) A large London club that closes past 6am / Bagley's
O candidato deverá examinar as especificidades de cada clube noturno e encontrar, dentre os que têm capacidade para um grande número de pessoas, aquele que fecha após as 6 horas da manhã. De acordo com o texto, Bagley's é o único que atende a esses requisitos. A resposta certa é (B).

Questões: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10