Online-world, Germany (German)

Some published reviews of the German printed version of The Online World resources handbook.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Germany). October 8, 1994:

  Headline: "What happens: Cyberspace, Online, Netzwelt..."

  From the text: 

   "The book Online-World from Karl Sarnow and Odd de Presno is quite 
   different. Both authors describe without flourish, but not without 
   humor, what is on in the online world: what services, prices, 
   contents, and technical basis are offered the user. That is not easy. 
   Nevertheless, they get the reader to browse the book again and again. 
   Even after we have reread, rediscovered, or relearned things that we 
   thought are important in the Networld. 

   They help entering with "How to start" and "Your first ONLINE trip" 
   (while these 40 pages could also well be placed at the beginning of 
   the book), and show lots of various alternatives to the much praised 
   "grand solutions." This is because even small budgets must not suffer 
   from money shortage when getting the first online contacts. 

   The subtitle "Global Communication" is wonderfully demonstrated and 
   such a book should be put between Modem and Computer, even if it 
   sometimes seems technical or rigid." 

  (Quote translated from German)

c't (German computer magazine) #1/94, page 272:

   "Kurzum, allen Neulingen, die wissen wollen, was sie in der Online-Welt 
   erwartet, wie man sie betreten und sich in ihr zurechtfinden kann, sei 
   das Buch ans Herz gelegt." 

   Translation: "In short, the book is highly recommended to all newcomers
   wanting to know what to expect in the online world, how to act, and how
   to get familiar with it."

cogito (Germany) #6/94, p.52:

   "Nicht nur wegen der Andersartigkeit sehr lesenswert."

   Translation: "Very readable, and not just because it is different."

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