Karl Sarnow

Karls image Karl Sarnow

Dr. Karl Sarnow holds a doctorate in Biophysics. He is teaching mathematics, physics and computer science at Gymnasium Großburgwedel, Germany. On the net, he is working as a national co-ordinator for Germany for the European Schools Project ESP, in which schools all over the world cooperate in common projects in all day teaching. The German branch of the ESP is represented by BioNet e.V., which is a registered society, dedicated to the support and cooperation of german schools, teachers and local authorities with special interest in integrating science, telecommunication and environmental issues. As all German schools on the network, Gymnasium Großburgwedel is part of the "Offenes Deutsches Schulnetz" ODS.

His private interests are photographing, computers, telecommunication and travelling, if there is time. You can contact him under karl@gygro.h.ni.schule.de

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