Registration option 2 for Libraries

Mount on information service

Covers: Mount the book on an information service (like a gopher) for visitors to view or search.

Assumption: The library retrieves the book (and updates) from available online sources. Standard rates apply to receive updates on MS-DOS or Macintosh diskettes rather than retrieving themselves by email.

Duration: The registration is valid for 12 months.

This option does not include the right to alter the text in any way. Neither is it permitted to turn the text into a HTML file with links for use of the services or sources that are described in the book.

Registration form

Your Name:        
Postal Code/Zip:  
Email address:    

Would you like the newsletter delivered to the above email address? 

Desired delivery format

Ascii text format
Html format (text with hypertext codes)
Both formats.

Mark off your selections below:

Site licenses

Small Library - NOK 1.080 (around US$154.00) Less than 1,000 regular borrowers/year.
Medium - NOK 2.500 (around US$357.00) Between 1,000 and 100,000 borrowers/year.
Very Large Library - NOK 5.000 (around US$ 714) Over 100,000 regular borrowers/year.
Would you like the updates to be mailed you on diskettes?
Yes. NOK 84.00 (around US$ 12.00)
If you want the book sent to you on diskette, mark one of the following:
1.44 MB MS-DOS
1.44 MB Macintosh

Desired delivery format

Ascii text format
Html format (text with hypertext codes)
Both formats.

How would you like to pay? Choose any one of the following:

    Sending it to you separately:
Check of money order payable to Odd de Presno in U.S. funds.
Bank transfer to 6311.05.27189, Kredittkassen, 4800 Arendal, Norway
SWIFT to 6311.05.27189 at XIANNOKK (Christiania Bank, Norway)

    Charge to my credit card:
American Express
Credit Card Number:  
Expiration Date   :  
To submit your registration, press this button:
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