Registration option for Libraries

Giving clients the book on diskette

Covers: Giving away the book on diskette for a nominal fee to cover the cost of the diskette (not to exceed US$1.50 per diskette).

Registration rate for the right to distribute: NOK 0.00

Standard rates apply to receive updates on MS-DOS or Macintosh diskettes rather than retrieving it yourself.


The receiver is told that the book is shareware, and not a free book. This must be done in the following way:

1. Text on the diskette's label

The label must have the following text:

         The Online World resources handbook
                  Unregistered copy
       Readers are encouraged to register. See
           the file REGISTER.DOC on the disk.

2. The diskette's contents

The diskette must contain all extracted files from the compressed distribution file as available from the /SimTel/msdos/info directory on the anonymous ftp host Oak.Oakland.Edu. The distribution file's name is (replace xx with the current version number).


Technically, in this case the library acts like any "bulletin board" set up to distribute shareware software and files. The only difference is that clients usually do not pay to borrow books. They therefore need to be advised that this book is a special case. If not, they may not understand that registration is expected.

A note to when this option is used will be much appreciated!

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